Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My New Mowing Style

While I was mowing this afternoon, I decided that I need to get back to posting (I was going to try for at least one post a week this summer but never actually started... :P).  So I will write about mowing today, and hopefully in the future the posts will be more frequent and maybe even interesting!

Usually I mow around the edge of the lawn, with the circle of un-mown grass getting smaller and smaller until I finally have to start going at it from different sides to try to get rid of it.  (It's usually a rather weird shape at this point as well!)  My mom has suggested doing more of a Zamboni style, and today I finally tried it.

(I just found out while looking up the spelling that the name "Zamboni" is actually trademarked!  So not all ice resurfacers are Zambonis.  And if you have no idea what I'm talking about you can look at this Wikipedia link about ice resurfacers, which are really very cool machines!)

Anyways, today I decided that it was time for something new and tried a funky way of mowing on the side yard that didn't work the way I was hoping.  So I tried a different method on the front lawn, and this, though different from my usual way of mowing, was successful.  From what I remember of watching the ice being smoothed over after ice skating lessons, I knew that I was using something like the method that the Zamboni (or I guess I should say "ice resurfacer") used.  I just looked up a diagram now, however, and found that I was mowing with the exactly the same pattern as the ice resurfacer  uses (O.K., "ice resurfacer" sounds weird...I think that I'll just say "Zamboni" from now on!).  It's pretty cool, and instead of explaining it, I will simply present a diagram:

So I learned something practical from ice skating lessons!  If you have a rectangular yard or part of a yard, why not try it?  If you do, let me know how it works for you!

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