Sunday, June 6, 2010

David's Birthday

Today is my brother Davey's ninth birthday, so I thought that I should write a little about him.  As you may or may not know, he has blond hair, blue eyes, a dimple, and a cute, almost ever-present smile.  He also says some pretty cute things, like the following (both of these happened in one day!):

Daddy:  "This is a memorial for the veterans who have died fighting for our country."
Davey:  "No, Daddy, they're veterinarians!"

After reading about peregrine falcons, Davey saw what he though might be one and pointed it out to us with the exclamation, "Look!  A paranoid falcon!"

Davey has just started his third year of baseball, and this year he and Nathan are on the same team.  (This makes games more interesting, as we have two people to watch!)  If you yell, "Go, Davey!" or something of the sort while he is going up to bat, he will turn around and smile at you.  One of the dads on his team calls him "The guy who hits to second base".  This name is well-earned, which often provides a problem for the boy who is before him in the batting order.  He also gets very excited when anything good happens during the games, and he becomes quite bouncy as a result!  Also, Davey and Nathan are usually the only players on their baseball team who tuck in their baseball shirts.  Undaunted, they continue to do it, and I believe that they haven't noticed.

Although he can be annoying at times I am very thankful for my little brother Davey.  With his love of life, stuffed animals, and chess, he creates quite the colorful character.  Happy birthday, Davey!  I hope you have a great year!

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